We provide debt solutions to a cross section of industries. Whether you're after a simple vanilla facility or a highly structured debt facility we can help. The team is quite competent in the following debt types: - Securitisation - Asset finance - Yellow goods finance - Debt advisory and consulting


A Pre-IPO equity raise allows companies to raise equity at a smaller discount to their future IPO price as opposed to their current valuation. It also means that whatever the future IPO price, investors will have a parcel of liquid shares that they've obtained at a discount to their opening value.


We have an ever expanding group of investors who trust us to place their funds in the appropriate investments.


We have vast experience in many aspects of finance from simple debt solutions to complex securitisation structures in a variety of industries and will add value to you and/or your business. You can choose to engage us either on a daily basis or on retainer (for longer engagements).

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Whether you require a simple warehouse facility or a full blown securitisation structure, We can help. Our team members cut their teeth on some of Australia's first securtisation transactions. As finance consultants we have access to most major bank and private warehouse facilities.

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The service we offer can be a bespoke risk model for assessing counter-party risk for lending, construction, or any other business where counter-party risk assessment is required. Our risk clients range from State Government agencies to engineering firms.

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Angel investors invest seed capital in startups. The criteria for this is quite strict and founders must pass a rigorous screening process and the investment must stack up. Please contact us for an initial discussion. Preference will be given to ethical investments with a global application.

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